Monday, April 27, 2020

Literature. Workshop Review Essay Example

Literature. Workshop Review Paper Essay on Literature. Workshop How to learn to read the book for the benefit of themselves? The olichaetsya feedback from the review, and the report by the abstract? How to analyze works of literature that is, on the one hand, it does not become a simple retelling or naive interpretation, and on the other hand, would not be a post-mortem examination, after which you can read books, but disgusting? These questions are answered by the authors of the workshop Starts manual with clear, simple guidelines that can be followed and the language student and a regular student (by the way, there are very useful, for example, to develop their own litter system). Then predagayutsya remarkable materials: poetry and questions to them (there are jobs, and for prose, and dramticheskih). Here illustrative examples: a section on analysis of a poem GR Derzhavin Monument, contains the poem itself, poems Lomonosov, Pushkin, Fet, Bryusov, which are also free transcriptions of the famous works of Horace, about their findings ( Whose version, in your opinion, is closer to the translation of Lomonosov, and whose poem to GRDerzhavin? What do you think, why the poets of different eras have treated this poem? Just given 16 questions.). If we are talking about Dying Gladiator MV Lermontov, the authors propose three transfers (this work of Byron): VI Shchastny, NV Berg, VV Levik We will write a custom essay sample on Literature. Workshop Review specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Literature. Workshop Review specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Literature. Workshop Review specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer A separate section -. Working with critical articles such classics as Dob, Druzhinin, Pisarev, Fears It is noteworthy that the authors seek to present the literature in the context of other arts and offer system works with illustrations for the Product of the literature. For todays reader the picture is so important that love painting, poets Ends manual of similar synchronistic table:. The most important historical and cultural events, literature, art, music, cinema . very simvolichnoym seemed decoration: the famous painting by Nesterovs Vision lad Varfalomeyu, has received finally the sweetness of knowledge .